
Bring in traffic from social media, social bookmarking using ShareThis

To increase traffic a blog there is no trick like that in writing in mention = Traffic is so important to breath our website, qualified traffic, of course. Traffic quality can be seen from how much unique visitor conversion rate versus revenue / sales. There are enough actual size if traffic visitors who came were qualified or not, it depends on the target website. If e-commerce website can of course be seen from the conversion rate of unique visitors to the sale of products. The greater the conversion rate the better the quality of traffic.The application of SEO techniques is already no doubt to gain traffic to our website. By occupying the first page of google search engine usually we will get good traffic to the relevance of keywords in the type. However, the current Google algorithm pandas are not too happy with the website only source of traffic from google alone. Well why in addition to implementing good SEO techniques, of course we should also look for sources other than traffic google google either Indonesia or Because if we only source of traffic comes from google, google will consider lowering rangkings web / blog kita.Ada various strategies you can employ to get traffic than SEO optimization. Of which paid tens of millions to hundreds of thousands or even free. If I prefer the free ones. To get traffic to your web / blog apart from google we can use the facilities of ShareThis, if using wordpress as my web engine you just installed this plugin from But if your website does not use wordpress please learn the script to be installed on your website with a visit to With this facility ShareThis button we can share our posts to approximately 100 social media, web.2.0, and also social bookmarking. Just count if one your articles are distributed to facebook, twitter and 100 are provided ShareThis, if a social media generate 10 traffic then if the share to the 100 living alone multiplied. This is just a mathematical calculation only, if you want to know please try.
Frankly I've never tried as many as 100, at least five of the most popular just like linkedin, facebook, twitter, digg and stumbleupon. Facebook and twitter social media social media is most popular in Indonesia. Getting Traffic from facebook and twitter is very possible if we have a lot of followers on twitter. It takes a long time if we are still a little follower. 
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