Hypertext Markup Language is a standard language used to display the web document, you can do with HTML that is:
- Control the display of web pages and contentnya.
- Publish documents online so they can be accessed from all over the world.
- Create an online form that can be used to handle the registration, online transactions.
- Adding objects such as images, audio, video and also the java applet in an HTML document.
Style Sheets is a very important feature in making Dynamic HTML. Although not a necessity in making the web, but the use of style sheets is an advantage. A style sheet is a place where you control and manage-style style. Style sheets describe how an HTML document on-screen display. You can also call it as a template of the HTML documents that use it. You also can create special effects on your pages that use style sheets. Theoretically you can use style sheets with HTML technology. However, in practice only a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) technology that supports the almost all web browsers. Because CSS has been in setandartkan by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for use in a web browser. This tutorial will explain about the html and CSS.
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