
How the Search Engines

Web search engines work by storing almost all of the information page web, which is taken directly from www. These pages are retrieved automatically. contents each page and then analyzed to determine how it should be indexed (for example, the words taken from the title, subtitle, or special fields called meta tags).data about web pages are stored in an index database for use in The next quest. Some search engines, like Google, store all or the page source (called a cache) as well as information about a web page itself.When a user visits a search engine and enter a query, usually by entering keywords, search engines index and provide a list of pages web that best fits the criteria, usually accompanied by a brief summary of the title documents and sometimes some text. Another search engine that uses real-time processes, such as Orase, not use the index in the way it works [4].

The difference with open source software free software

Similar to [[free software]], open source software is software that can also be obtained and distributed freely. Unlike the case with free software that will not necessarily be seen in the original code, open source software can read the codes in the original programming.This programming code can also be changed, modified and developed by us with due regard to rules which apply in accordance with the licensing of such softwareAs an example to understand the difference between the two types of devices can be illustrated eg Microsoft company at a time makes one of its products to be free software. This means that anyone can get it for free. However, you are not allowed to then modify and develop these software products. It can be concluded, open source software is certainly free software, but otherwise free software is not necessarily an open-source software.