
Blog Promotion

Promotions, hear the word does not exist the slightest thing can I say?? In fact, what ya definition of promotion? And what we also held a promotion? Of course, the linguists are certainly preparing the meaning and promotional purposes. I need not discuss it here because it was embarrassed by the experts, I understand a new level of learning. But it would not hurt if I wear a campaign to raise my Blog on the Internet. It's a blog will be promoted if not in vain, says expert SEO.

Tricks Attract Visitors From Search Engines

As for what I do is:
  1. Using plugins All In One SEO Pack and optimize penggunaannya.Bagi who have not used this plugin please install first, especially users of WordPress. 
  2. Conduct internal links between posts with each other.
  3. Creating a post titles that are SEO friendly, so easy on the crawler by Google spiders.
  4. Enter a keyword related to title and content of the posting.
  5. Optimizing keywords to tag each post.
 Actually I am still confused things - things related to SEO especially Crawl?? Since I had just tarap learn and want to keep learning to be able and adept, but when?? For the experts please give me advice so that my blog can make a minimum order of Leaves Up to 5 is not nothing.

Free Directory

Free Directory is the place to list and market your blog or website. It has often been discussed that in order to build a Blog or Website you need marketing and links to your blog or website included in Google Page Rank and Search Engine Position, here are some Free Directory you need to consider in marketing your Blog or Website. How to use quite easily.
DMOZ–(8 Categories-    
Jayde–(6 Categories 
My Green Corner–(6 Categories     
The Living Link–(6 Categories 
Can Links–(5 Categories Sight – (5 Categories
Miri Black – (5 Categories 
Niche Listings – (5 Categories
Esearch Research – (5 Categories
Master Moz Directory – (5 Categories 
Domaining – (5 Categories
Londovor – (5 Categgories 
The Shoppings – (5 Categories 
Ldmstudio Directory – (5 Categories 
And there are lots of Free Directory to help you in marketing your Blog or Website. Hopefully useful and enjoy.

Source :

    World Wide Web Consortium

    Hypertext Markup Language is a standard language used to display the web document, you can do with HTML that is:
    1. Control the display of web pages and contentnya. 
    2. Publish documents online so they can be accessed from all over the world. 
    3. Create an online form that can be used to handle the registration, online transactions.      
    4. Adding objects such as images, audio, video and also the java applet in an HTML document.
    Style Sheets is a very important feature in making Dynamic HTML. Although not a necessity in making the web, but the use of style sheets is an advantage. A style sheet is a place where you control and manage-style style. Style sheets describe how an HTML document on-screen display. You can also call it as a template of the HTML documents that use it. You also can create special effects on your pages that use style sheets. Theoretically you can use style sheets with HTML technology. However, in practice only a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) technology that supports the almost all web browsers. Because CSS has been in setandartkan by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for use in a web browser. This tutorial will explain about the html and CSS.

    Optimasi Blogs

    Blog Optimization, you and I are novice in the matter of blog, but I am not desperate to learn to blog and how - how to improve my blog to be number one. There are several ways to optimization your blog among others:
    Google Webmaster Tools, install meta tags and the other, will probably facilitate the Google search engine to find your blog.
    Keyword Optimization, try to connect between the blog title, and also your article. Great if existing on the same blog name or relate to what you write / post. Or you can read on to learn seo techniques for beginners.
    Optimization of Title or Title Blog, This is almost the same as I mentioned in no one. By cross-linking between the blog title, article title and also added another optimization on the article. This will make your article would be lifted in the search engines.

    Register Sitemap, Get to the scene "Google Sitemaps" 
    Create an article of inter-related, If you want to win the search engine you may have to make an article about what the deksripsi your blog. Errors frequently occur in this case, as an example only blog we discuss about blogging tips and tricks, but that we post are tips to get true love. Gag connect. Be great if we have additional Related blog post or article related, this will allow visitors to search for other articles related to the article they are reading. In addition to ease visitors can also increase the page views too right!
    Expand One Way Links, Perhaps by giving backlinks to our blog, but it's all going to be difficult if we have to beg for backlinks to the blog master. One easy way is to create a Dummy Blog. By creating a blog that we make as much as possible by providing a link to our main blog.
    Attach it to Social Bookmarks, One quick way to blog that we have known by many people. If you do not already know you can read my other article about the list of social bookmarking Indonesia.

    A little bit, but hopefully useful, especially for beginner bloggers you. Derived from various sources the Blogger mania. Good luck and good luck in the world of Blog!

    Adding things in BLOGGER

    Upload your video to:1. Youtube (, 2.Google Video (, 3. Stage 6 ( Please find the section of your page and find the EMBED code that can be in blogger. Simply copy and paste into a new blogger post.
    You have to put your photos online: flickr:,Picasa :,Bubbleshare:, Bubbleshare has the best embed code – some great flash slideshows that cross the screen nicely and you can add a commentary if you want. Just register and upload. Easy to use.
    Slideshow, Upload your slideshows to: and copy the embed code and paste it in to your blog post, There are other places such ashttp://www.slideshar or even
    Documents including most Office formats:Just use:
    It’s so easy to upload any documents and then embed the code for the document on your blog. People can even download the original in different formats and it’s ALL FREE.
    WebSites, This can sometimes be quite good, but you could always just use a link.

    Source :

    Tips SEO for novice Blogger

    best seo quick tips for novice bloggers:
    1. Give your article title within their keywords you want to optimize or timbak. For instance I want to be No. 1 on the blog seminar in New York City. Well given the title of the article just like that.
    2. Make the content or the content of the article according to your abilities. Do not plow, do not copy and paste. Original must be on the basis of your own thoughts.
    3. Renew or update your articles regularly and routinely. For instance cuman usually 1 time a week it should be updated regularly update the article once a week. But the best are updated your article an article every day.
    4. Give differentiator in any keyword or keywords in your articles. Whether it's a way to bold, colorful giving in each of the keywords that will be optimized in search engines.
    5. Find Backlink whether it's through free classified ads, social media, to search for blogs and then fitted to the blogroll. It's up to you just reply to this one. 
    Sources of wind kang mukti (