To review the blog I think is the usual thing is happening in cyberspace. So much so that experts review it like a fungus thrives. And all the talking and writing about Blog, do not miss me. Adoption of this post I Blog Blog that discusses the problem as well. Speaking of which, according to most people blog to increase revenue would all be competing in the making and if you can make additional income.
- Overview of the blog, Blog is short for Weblog, a term first used by Jorn Barger in December 1997. use the term to describe a group Weblog personal website which is always updated continuously and contains links to other websites that they find interesting along with the comments of their own. Broadly speaking, the Weblog can be summarized as a mini personal website that allows their makers display different types of content on the web with ease, such as paper, a collection of Internet links, documents (Word files, PDF, etc.), pictures or multimedia.
- Types of Blog, Just as the media in general, the information contained in a blog usually takes a particular topic as a subject, there are several types of blogs by content / content contained therein, among others: the political blog, personal blog, health blog, Blog of literature, travel blog, research blog, law blog, Blog media, education blog, business blog and so on.
- Blogs in general benefits, Knowledge Sharing. Blogs can be very useful if it is filled with knowledge-knowledge that is useful for many people. With blogs, anyone can easily mengeksternalisasikan knowledge they have to the public. So with such knowledge he has could be shared to others and be beneficial for people who need them.Bridge Blogging. Blogs can be used as a bridge of information to describe the condition of a country in a global language (like English), so that it can bridge the others to get more accurate information. Ground Voice, Voice Grassroots. With blogs, people can freely write their opinions about something. The opinions that appear later may become a strong opinion that is able to show how exactly the public opinion about something. Idea Incubation. Usually if someone has an idea, the idea was not immediately realized. usually an idea that appears in his brain so long pent-up ideas for the maturation process. over time, he will add complementary concepts of his ideas in writing / blog. Business Media. Besides being used for personal purposes, blogs can also be used as a medium to bridge a business activity (business blog) or earn extra income.Advance Blog, Advance Blog itself is nothing but an attempt to make a blog has a function that is more complete than the standard blog both in collaboration functions such as feature comments, shoutbox or in terms of appearance. Advance Blog is also commonly known as a Professional Blog.
- Important Aspects of Advance Blog, To create a blog to be more advanced / professional, a few aspects to note are:1. Display, a blog will look unusual / more advanced mainly influenced by the unusual appearance / standard. 2. Theme, determine specific themes to be discussed in the blog will make the blog more specific in conveying information. 3. Blog contents, besides the look, the quality of either the text or information in a blog greatly affect the level of blog traffic is concerned.4. Feature, a blog will look more advanced if the inside there are support features that can make the blog more interesting and interactive.5. SEO (Search Engine Optimation), whether or not a popular blog is also influenced by the way we introduce blogs on search engines (like google, yahoo or bing).
- The steps to make Advance Blog, To make a blog becomes more advanced, some steps include : 1. Quality Display. To create a blog becomes more advanced we can begin to renew / update the display / templates / themes of interest to our blog, this can be done by looking for free templates over the internet or by improving / adding an existing template (requires an understanding HTML / PHP) . Try wherever possible to synchronize the display with the main theme of the blog. 2. The theme. The next step is to determine a theme for your blog. Themes such as an identity, by making a specific blog discusses specific themes it will make your blog more easily become reference material for specific themes for the readers. Too many of the core themes discussed will actually make your blog a major loss of identity. 3. Blog contents. Noting that we write the blog content can also make your blog more interesting to read, consider the procedure of writing, text and other information sources such as pictures or related links that can make your blog more interesting. Do any mencopas (copy paste) written by others without mentioning the source of that clear, because in addition to violating copyright writings, also it will confuse the reader if the text does not correspond with the real identity of your blog. Besides continuity in updating your blog content can also make your blog more popular. 4. Features. Completing blog with interesting features such as commentary, photo gallery, animation and suggestion boxes / guest book can make your blog look more professional. You can do by adding a Gadget / Widget additional integrated with your blog or seek additional widgets that can be obtained from the Internet.5. SEO. The final point is also greatly determine the popularity of your blog is how you introduce your blog on popular search engines like Google or Yahoo, because almost 80% of internet users use search engines as the initial facility to search for information. Some tricks to your SEO can be easily learned from books or the Internet to be developed and applied in your blog.
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