
Give color to the Windows Explorer

Welcome to my blog, hopefully what's on this blog Useful begi all readers, especially those of you who like to experiment on various computers.You certainly know the name Windows Explorer? In this blog I just wanted to share a few tips or tricks to beautify the look of Windows Explorer on your computer. Perhaps in this way has a lot of post but it would not hurt if I post the other way. Indeed, if for affairs with lots of tips and Desktop tricknya. One of them is colored folders in Windows Explorer. Usually the icon for Windows Explorer by default has a yellow color, only the folder name that differentiates itself.You may suppose, what if the Folder Icon in our own love of color, for example to a folder of photos you can give a red color, for the data we give a yellow color, for the entertainment we give a blue color? To give color to the folder in Windows Explorer is not difficult, because you only need one tool called Rainbow Folders.You can download it at with a file size of about 1.41 MB. Once you get the tools you can directly use. These tools are relatively easy to use. Follow a few rare below:
  1. Rainbow Run folder after you install. Tools are divided into seven parts, namely Folder, Preview, Color, Hint, Advance, and Other Confirmation. 
  2. Before changing the icon warn, first determine the folder where you want to change the color icon. To determine it, can directly into the folder, where you can simply select the folder icon. 
  3. Set the color specified folder according to your taste. To make arrangements, you just move the slider bar on the color hui, was to determine the density of the color slider to the right on the slider bar "saturation". To find out the results press the Confirm button.
  4. You are confident with your work? If you are sure you can press the Colorize button located on the Confirmation. 
  5. If you want all the colors, then do the same thing with the folders you want to give color. 
  6. To neutralize or restore to its default color you just specify the folder and press the button on the Confirmation Decoloring. 
  7. If you've been running all with great care, then your Folder Icon will be colored like a rainbow. 
       Good luck and work.

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